

Sito AndreasMcMüller.art


Bio e critiche

Opere d'Arte: Dipinti

Nudi d'Arte: McBlack

Nudi d'Arte: McColor

Nudi d'Arte : McWhite

Opere fotografiche: McWave

Opere fotografiche: La Vita Vince Sempre

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Blog - news - sermoni & bellezza

Opere in vendita - e-commerce

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ITALIANO: Polished
​Forgive the machine translation



and all your help is vital. 

I will use donations to create new Free Beauty, in the form of works of art donated to charities, museums and associations that help people in need. 



Sabbatical year


2022 was a strange year, to be remembered only as a warning. 

The mission of creating and spreading Beauty is unchanged, but 2023 I started it in a very different way:  enough commercially useless exhibitions, no more investments on works that then remain in stock, since January I began to create for the sheer pleasure of doing it, testing different techniques and methods of expression. Starting with painting, creating paintings that you find in these pages and which, if you like, you can still buy. 

But there will be news soon: stay tuned.

Andreas McMüller is an artist of SHIBUSA Art gallery

The artworks are sold by Shibusa s.a.s. - Headquarters in Via Pasolini, 8 - 42023 Cadelbosco di sopra (RE) Italia

P.Iva (VAT) e CF  IT02720390356 - Phone: 333-3920128 - E-mail: mcmuller@shibusa.art

2022 November

Partecipation in: Art Fair of Padova

at the stand of the SJEL Gallery in Bolzano  (Italia) 


From the stables to the stars: after the scorching and very expensive disappointment of the Parma Unuseless Fair, here is an Art Fair that deserves capital letters: if the very few beautiful works in Parma (half in Satura together with mine) would not have filled a stand, here even a cultured collector with discernment and good taste would have been spoiled for choice.

In addition I was at the stand of the SJel gallery which is led by Laura, a gallery owner with very clear ideas, a rare ethical level, great experience and who, above all, is an excellent artist: has created a stand of the highest aesthetic level that stood out as a beacon in the night of contemporary art. 


2022 October

Partecipation in: Art Fair of Parma 

at the stand of the Satura gallery in Genoa (Italia) 


The works on display were Sinuosa and Pensieri, made in the prestigious Museum mode. They received important praise and interest from various insiders who, however, claimed to pay them much less than they cost me. And then no, dear gallery owners: if you do not have collectors of level and/ or if you are not able to sell a work at its value, continue to pretend to art the stupid junk that fills this fair, from demented low-level pop-art to the lump of colored twine, That you find the gonzo to whom you hold him so. Below cost though. Sadness. 

artparma con satura i

2022 June 

Chimera solo exhibition: 

Museum of Castello Sforzesco, Milan 


The effort was huge, my that I am very far from having recovered my healty and especially friends, relatives, suppliers, sponsors and fans, but we have organized an exhibition that will make history, none other than the Museo del Castello Sforzesco in the center of Milan, with a lot of Patronage of the Municipality!

Everything is ready ... when we discover that we have been cheated: the patronage is false, the Castle has not reserved the hall and the gallery owner who organized the exhibition, (that I paid and that he made me have the documents signed by the mayor), missing. 

My lawyer will take him to court to answer for financial and moral damages. These are the gallery owners who destroy art. 


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2022 Giugno

4 wins at Prize Brera 

at the galleryMade4Art in Brera - Milano (Italia) 


The work in the race is the now famous Curve, which could not have won as digital/ photographic work infiltrated among the paintings, but she still stood out. 

In fact, the art critic Anna Soricaro writes:

"Not a photograph but [...] an art, because the treatment of light [...] allows him to create a poem for the gaze. It is undeniable that there is a thoughtful and prudent search in his works, a greatness that can stand out greatly."

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2022 Gennaio

Andreas McMüller wins a new life

...with the collaboration of the fantastic doctors of the resuscitation department - at Santa Maria nuova in Reggio Emilia (Italy). 

In a coma for Covid the whole month of January, he was discharged at the beginning of March who did not walk nor speak and is in recovery since then. It follows that, from an exhibition point of view, 2022 is therefore a year that begins very late and in moderation.  The active and utterly destructive contribution of an infamous gallerist, who was supposed to help the rebirth and instead caused further incalculable harm has worsened the situation. None of this will stop Andreas in his work of creating Beauty but   ....some collectors could be of great help. 

2021 Ottobre

Winner of the:

Prize "Dante, supreme Poet"

at the Area Contesa Gallery di Via Margutta, Roma (Italia).


"For the sensitivity with which he manages to bend the light to shape naked bodies, [...], combining the power of poetics with a high sense of elegance."

Pasquale di Matteo, curator and art critic.

This time it was not easy, because the astisti in the race were selected seriously and proposed works of high level. There were at least a couple I would have bought without thinking about it, if only I could afford them. 

The contribution of Dimatteo is remarkable, that even if it is a collective one has made a criticism of every work, not only a posteriori for the catalogue but live during each of the three vernissages.


2021 July

participition at:

Biennale di Fondi 

at Castello Caetani di Fondi, Latina (Italia). 


Participation as invited artist, as president of the jury for the Photography section of the Biennale. 

By virtue of the conflict of interest I could not win anything, but Sinuosa and Pensieri, exposed in Canvas, have received considerable recognition.

I thank the illustrious Maestro Mario Salvo for the investiture and all those who have appreciated my works ...that include the much work done to realize the reviews of other people’s works. 


2021 May

participation in:

First collective of the "Dante, supreme Poet" prize

at the RoccART gallery in Florence (Italy).

The Prize unfolds in a triptych of exhibitions in as many cornerstones of Italian art, namely in Florence, Milan and Rome. The vernissage of the first event was in Florence, in the renowned gallery of Fabio Rocca, in the presence of the critic and curator Pasquale Di Matteo, who presented the works exhibited one by one with a lot of critical analysis, in-depth and competent but with a simple language. and understandable to all, which immediately captured the attention of the present public.

The text of the award, customized based on the analysis of all the works on the McMuller site, says: "For the refinement of the use of light, with which it tickles the body of women in an elegant and exhaustive way, without ever falling into the vulgar or in the trivialization of exteriority.

An esthete of figuration. "



2021 April

failure to participate in:

Contemporary Art Exhibition at the Carrousel du LOUVRE

at the LOUVRE in Paris.

I don't know how they found me, but I was invited by the prestigious Passertout Unconventional Gallery to exhibit at their stand in the above exhibition; the invitation flyer says: "Like every year, PassepARTout will present a selection of works aimed at dialogue with the most demanding public." ... and since they wanted mine, I consider it a great recognition!

And a second, personal invitation I received from the director of the MAMAG - Modern Art Museum of the Royal Castle Hubertenderf in Vienna - to exhibit in their prestigious stand.

If this guys likes call me to exhibit your creations in his house, it means that my art is worth! It's just my potential Italian clients who don't understand it, with the sad consequence that ...gripped by the constraints of a common poor job, weighed down by the production costs of my works (quality costs and also a lot), commercially crushed by the cultural abyss into which the population has fallen, which is no longer able to distinguish a work of art from the chinese canvas proposed in millions of copies by large-scale retail trade and, last but most importantly, killed by the guilty inaction of sponsors and customers, I had to say no because today I can't afford the costs of this exhibition.

But it was the fucking Louvre! ...two eminences of the world of art invited me to exhibit in an exhibition in the Louvre, and that is really something!!


2021 March

participation in:

ItaliaArte 2020 International Exhibition - "Le Divine"

at the MIIT Museum in Turin (Italy).


McMuller could not miss an exhibition dedicated to such a subject, least of all in a museum, and he participated with different works from the McBlack and McColor series in canvas and, of course, in the Museum version.


The exhibition "Le Divine" is also virtual, to see it: LE DIVINE


2021 February participation in:

Group exhibition - "Red ad Vesperam"

at the Spazio Arte 57 gallery in Lamezia Terme (Italy).


Curated by Giovanna Adamo under the supervision of the critic Gianframco Pugliese, the exhibition was held in the splendid rooms of the gallery, at Palazzo Ajello-Carnovale. McMuller participated with the splendid 50 Shades of Red, in the Baryta version (the same specimen that won the Mantua Biennale and the Spoleto Arte prize and is still on sale).


The catalog is published with ISBN 978-88-32296-20-4


Previous years: