Does the Beauty of Dreams have the right to remain in our thoughts or the duty to be fulfilled in our lives?
cit. A.McMüller
The Beauty of the New Year.
Short Sunday Sermon del 31 Dicembre 2022
of the Minister of Beauty Lord Andreas McMüller
Reading: 1 minute e 28 seconds
There is something magical about the New Year that comes, with its load of expectations, hopes and good intentions.
Skeptics would say that it is a psychological threshold like bread at 3 euros, because if it costs 2.99 or 3.01 it always has the same price and maybe they are right, within their sad materiality.
But the New Year is not a material thing because it belongs to the Future and its spiritual universe so for him the psychological threshold is not a small thing but is a wall of Hadrian and like the Pillars of Hercules has the power to break the shackles of the past and put what is beyond at our disposal, like a blank sheet for the writer.
And we have the right/ duty to put what we want, to imagine a better life for us and for others. I can think of two ad hoc quotations from philosopher L.Ron Hubbard that says: “There is not a living being that cannot give life to a new beginning” and “The best way to predict the future is to create it.” Either way, no time is better than New Year’s Eve!

But how do you do it? Simple and easy at first: imagine the year you want, creating in our head the ideal scene, the goal to work towards, after which (cit. Franco Farina) "you fix a date, you align the particles and you work", because the beautiful things do not happen by themselves.
But all the "doing" will come later, as a consequence of the Beauty of the Dream, which on New Year we can and must dream, as the first step of its creation.
So I wish you a dream New Year and a 2023 of realization, that every day has its victory and every activity is dotted with aesthetics and happiness, until you get what you dreamed of. May Beauty be with you!

P.S. The above is the magic of the postulates, who wanted tips for their transmutation can actually contact me here or via my site
The image used is of my work Stair to the Moon", available in limited edition in the form of fine Canvas 100x70cm finished by hand (on-demand) and Lithograph.