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The secret of Happiness: 1- the Clean Way.
Saggio domenicale breve del 10 Settembre 2023
Andreas McMüller’s Sunday short essay of 10 September 2023 - reading time 158 seconds
Everyone seeks Happiness, but what is Happiness and above all: can you have, buy, get or be reached in some way? Let’s define the term not to end in sterile discussions, with the help of dictionaries that seem to agree:
Treccani: State of mind of who is serene, not disturbed by pains or worries and enjoys of this state of his.
Wikipedia: positive state of mind (feeling) of those who consider their wishes fulfilled
Garzanti: of those who are happy, of those who consider their every desire fulfilled
In reality Treccani cites the structural Happiness that is a chronic emotion elevated, from cheerfulness to enthusiasm, the others cite the momentary happiness that is based on satisfaction and has short duration even if it is intense. It is also very dangerous because it pushes the individual to the satisfaction of his own whims without giving weight to the consequences and, in our declining culture, it clears selfishness, oppression, libertinage, drugs and much more. Momentary happiness is dangerous because most of these satisfactions have consequences, it has a price that in the long run will prevent that individual from being Happy.Â

So what do you have to do to really be Happy? Let’s see: Buddha says: There is no road to happiness. Happiness is the way. McMüller adds: Beauty is the WayÂ
and by Beauty I mean both aesthetic and moral, and the two, together, invariably lead to Happy Beings.Â
Happiness is made up of continuous little steps, that’s why it’s called a journey; it’s made up of so many correct actions, big and small, with which we take the responsibility of doing what we know we should do. So, repudiating laziness and the easy solutions that solve a problem by creating a bigger one, we clean up one mess after another and insert Beauty into our lives.Â

Every time we do the right thing, every time we tell the uncomfortable truth instead of the easy lie, every time we make the bed, we put the drawers away, we make a sacrifice today to have something important tomorrow, we gain satisfaction, we feel more skilled and capable and our mood improves and so does self-esteem and the awareness of being capable. I speak from experience and can certify that Beauty is cleansing and is the way to Happiness.Â
Correct action after another will also improve the mood, we will wake up in the morning with more energy and with more desire and ability to create survival for ourselves and for those we care about. Taking this Path at first is difficult, but Happiness is there waiting for us.Â
And what does Art have to do with it? Much: if it is true Art is a powerful accelerator because each work conveys the emotions of its creator and transmits them to the observer, contaminating it with its positivity. The energy that comes from a work of art makes it easier to deal with problems and find solutions, in fact the most astute entrepreneurs hang the best paintings in the office, but this will be the subject of the next essay: The Secret of Happiness: 2- the shortcut of Art.Â
may Beauty be with you.Â