There is a Way that can be followed to evolve towards a better life, whose guard rails are Aesthetics and Beauty. Read here how to collect them and make good use of them.
Whether we realize it or not, we are all collectors, because each of us collects and holds together the things that make us feel good. But what we like and what makes us feel good depends on the condition we are in: whoever is in very bad condition and is one step away from death will collect situations and things that remind us of death (as well as diseases that help him to leave), while those who are chronically frightened will stock up on instruments of protection and defense. Those who appreciate strength and solidity and therefore compulsively try to collect material goods are in an already better condition.
At a much higher level there are those who have real success and houses, companies and money really collect them, but many of them feel they are still incomplete, they sense that something is still missing. And they are right, because that "something" has little to do with the material universe they already own.
At the highest level we find in fact those who live a fully fulfilling life, whose satisfactions belong to the spiritual universe and are those who seek and hold on to what emanates good emotions. Let us now consider that "what emanates good emotions" is commonly defined Beauty and is not a material thing but rather an energy: it imbues matter like water does with a sponge and gives life to things, situations, environments up to to act as an amplifier to Life itself.
This is the reason why wise entrepreneurs put the best work of art in their office, because its aesthetics is a message that, like the light at the end of the tunnel, reminds them that Beauty exists despite everyday problems.
Introducing Beauty into your life requires a little work, especially at the beginning, but it's simple and you can start with easy things like tidying up the drawers, cleaning tools well and stealing some time from the control electronics ( smartphone and television) to read a book or create something.
Creating is the greatest joy there is and creating beauty, whether it is order, a cake or an efficient production line, is the greatest possible satisfaction, a source of vitality and self-esteem, both very precious.
The upper level of all this is obviously Art, not intended as a creation regardless but as Aesthetics, which is pure life energy. It would be wise to acquire some of these works and place them in your environments, because they convey the vitality of the artist and exist to infect you and elevate your existence: whatever the current level, you can always feel even better.
Start now from step 1 and create around you the Beauty of order: you know what it is that you should be doing for a while and it still waits; start from that, then a little at a time you will put your hand to whatever else can be fixed and in the end you will get pure satisfaction that will make you feel much better! Lastly or maybe right now, choose a work of art and decide where you will put it.
I wish you great creativity.

The image posted with this sermon is a sublime work of art by Franco Farina and is called “The Star that illuminates the universe is you”.